Most Common Injuries Series - Part 2 : Football (Soccer)
We continue to look at the most prevalent injuries in common sports, in order to help minimise injury occurrences.
Today’s focus – Football (Soccer) ⚽

A rigorous epidemiology study (Agel et al., 2007) looked at 15 years (wow!!) worth of data on American collegiate soccer injuries.
The findings included:
- injury rates of 18.75 per 1000 athlètes
- player-to-player contact was the primary cause of most injuries
- ankle sprains were clearly the most common injury
- knee injuries (internal derangements) caused the most missed games total
What can you do to reduce your likelihood of suffering an ankle sprain?? (note: the basic principles are the same as for basketball, however the actual exercises will vary. We must strive to always be sports specific!)
- have adequate ankle flexibility and mobility (stretch and mobilise your ankle!)
- have great ankle dynamic stability (including strength, balance and proprioception)
- have the endurance to last the season (injuries are more likely when you’re tired!)
- have proper knee and hip mechanics (these greatly influence the ankle!)
Reference:⠀ Agel, J., Evans, T. A., Dick, R., Putukian, M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate men's soccer injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2002-2003. Journal of athletic training, 42(2), 270
Our caring and friendly Infinite Health Physio Team in Chatswood or North Sydney would love to help you out, so reach out to us if you have any questions !