Shoulder Series Part 6 – Muscle Release: Pectoralis Minor
The final muscle to discuss in our shoulder series is the PEC MINOR, one of the muscles that once again is often TIGHT in people with shoulder dysfunction. It attaches at the coracoid process (part of the shoulder blade at the front of the shoulder) and runs down to join onto onto the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs.
The main action of pec minor is to pull the shoulder forward (protraction) as well as tipping it downward. It tends to get shortened and tight due to poor posture (rounded shoulders) and an overdevelopment of the chest muscles relative to the back muscles.
It is very important to consider in shoulder dysfunction because when it is tight, the position it places the shoulder joint in results in a higher risk of impingement and rotator cuff injury. ⠀
Here we show you a PEC MINOR RELEASE you can do yourself.
How it’s done:
Grab a small ball (tennis, lacrosse, spikey, massage etc.) > place the ball at the front of the chest, a few inches below the collar-bone > lean onto a solid wall > rest on a tight spot for 30seconds-2minutes⠀ ⠀
1. Slowly raising your arm overhead > 2. Rotating your upper body away from the shoulder > 3. Raising your arm higher, then rotating away ⠀ ⠀
Spend 3-5 minutes working through the tightness each day.
Try this exercise and see the improvement in your shoulder posture and function!
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That concludes or shoulder series (for now) we hoped you’ve found it useful. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned for more great content!