Do you have Diabetes or Osteoporosis?
The Chronic Disease Management solution for you!
This blog post is ideal for seniors aged 55 years plus, particularly for those who either have or know somebody with Diabetes and/or Osteoporosis.

Firstly, what are they?
Both are chronic health conditions, and as a result are viable for government medicare support in the form of an ‘Enhanced Primary Care Plan’. This entitles you to 5 medicare rebated sessions per calendar year. You can obtain these from your local GP that is then used for a designated allied health professional. For these conditions, an Exercise Physiologist is best suited to help.
Most common in women aged 55 years plus, and is the thinning of bone density, resulting in an increase in fractures from falls, as well as potentially causing aches and pain in your joints/body.
Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose), with type 1 being a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Type 1 patients usually present from birth or early on in childhood, type 2 can develop at any stage and is usually as a result of lifestyle factors.
For both conditions, Osteoporosis (or Osteopenia) and Diabetes, exercise-based therapy is an evidence-based treatment recommendation that can improve quality of life, decrease symptoms associated with the condition, and improve treatment outcomes… all without the adverse effects from other treatment paths, such as medication.
At Infinite Health, our Exercise Physiologist, Pat, offers Exercise Programs to help treat chronic disease/conditions such as these, as part of our Strength & Balance Programs.
Here is an insight into one of our Strength & Balance Programs, the Bone Strength Program:
Our patient above, Meity, is working on progressive resistance training in order to stimulate more bone growth within her lower back and hips.
Below is an insight into another one of our Strength & Balance programs, the Diabetes Program
Here you can see one of our patients, Philip, performing compound movements involving multiple joints/muscles at high intensities, which is an example of evidence-based exercise recommendations for reducing blood sugar levels and improving insulin tolerance.
Want to check out our seniors specific, Strength & Balance exercise programs for yourself? Click the button below!
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