Back problems - the 3 modern day factors!
Back pain is rarely the result of one incident or injury. You may have noticed when the pain first became noticeable, during a lift, bend or even a gentle stretch. However, it is usually a combination of factors over a period of time that resulted in your back problems.
Below are 3 modern day factors which when combined together significantly increase your risk of back problems.
Prolonged sitting
Scienfically speaking, sitting puts more pressure on discs and vertebraes than standing or walking which is why lower back pain is so predominant in office workers. In addition to this, research has actually started to show that sitting is one of the factors for reduced life expectancy. To change this get up and move every 30-40 minutes.
Screen queen
The average person is spending more time hunched over, or slouched in front of a screen each day. This includes our computer screen at work, and our smartphones and tablets which we use throughout the day. To change this, be aware of your posture whenever you are on your devices. Sit/stand straight, don't slouch or hang your head over your screen. Rather hold up your screen to a comfortable eye level.
Core imbalance
Now, before we start to point any fingers ask yourselves these 2 questions:
What is core? Do I train functional core movements? If your idea of core is a 6-pack, or if your idea of core exercises are crunches and sit ups then this is directed at you. Your core comprises of all your spinal stabilising muscles which allow you to bend, extend, twist, sit, stand, run, jump and swim while maintaining a stable spine. This means that we need to train multiple muscle groups simultaneously, in the required position or posture for our acitivities. This means deadlifts, squats, lunges, sitting presses, standing presses, standing rows, sitting rows, high chops, low chops... You get the picture.
Here at Infinite Health Physiotherapy Chatswood, we believe that everyone should be able to live life with as minimal pain as possible. Get in touch with one of our physiotherapists to find out how we can help!