Lower Body Cable Workout
Recently we've been having a lot of patients in saying they like to use the cable machine throughout their legs workout, so we thought we'd put out a structured workout for it!

In this video: A1) Squats - 3x12 A2) RDL’s - 3x12 B1) Single Leg RDL’s - 3x12 each side C1) Hip abduction - 3x15 each side D1) Prone single leg hamstring curl - 3x15 each side The first two make for a great superset as the pull of the cable creates more tension on your quads, followed up by an exercise that then primarily targets your glutes & hamstrings. Single leg strength and control is also important for everyday life, and commonly not trained enough. Your hip abductors are also key in stabilising your hips/pelvis and knee, so targetting them is also important! Finish it off with some hamy work and your knee might thank you later. Perform 2x/wk, and gradually progress the weight over a month!
Our caring and friendly Chatswood, North Sydney or Sydney CBD Physio Team would love to help you out, so reach out to us if you have any questions!